Holy Rosary:
Daily 7:50 A.M., Incarnation
First Saturdays 7:45 A.M., Incarnation
Wednesdays 6:00 P.M., Incarnation
Divine Mercy Chaplet:
Daily 3:00 P.M. Adoration Chapel
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Saturdays: 2:30 - 3:30 P.M., Incarnation
(except Holy Saturday / Easter Vigil)
Stations of the Cross, Incarnation:
During Lent, on Fridays at 7:00 P.M.
Marian Garden (Incarnation & St. Terrence):
Open Daily
Perpetual Adoration Chapel at Incarnation:
Open 24 hours daily for prayer before the Blessed Sacrament (access code is required after 9 P.M.)
If you are contemplating making a will or changing your will and plan to leave something to charity, please keep Incarnation in mind. A bequest to your parish continues your love and concern for your parish long after your life on earth has been completed.
Join us for an enriching experience on select Sundays at 9:30 am during Family Mass! Our Children's Liturgy of the Word, led by our dedicated catechists, offers an engaging and age-appropriate exploration of scripture tailored for our youngest members. Through storytelling, activities, and reflection, we guide children on a journey to understand and appreciate the Word of God in a way that resonates with them. Bring your little ones to deepen their faith in a welcoming and nurturing environment while you enjoy the Family Mass, knowing they're in caring hands. See you there!
Visit our WEBSITE at www.IncParish.com to view our recent bulletins and updated parish information, including different Ministries. You can also become our parishioner online if you are not a registered parishioner yet.
Also, here on our website, you can donate, ask for a Mass intention, or obtain a sacramental record!
Follow us on INSTAGRAM
Visit our official FACEBOOK page, click ‘like’ and make sure to “like” and ‘follow’ us. You need to type in Facebook’s search bar:
“Incarnation St. Terrence Parish.”
Text @2g77e to the following phone number: 81010 to receive weekly inspirational text messages.
We are on YouTube at
Incarnation St. Terrence Parish
We live-stream all Liturgies from Incarnation Church via our website, YouTube channel, and official Facebook page.
Important Notice: Beware!
Please be aware of ongoing fraudulent activity that requires your attention. There have been incidents where an individual impersonates a pastor or associate pastor, utilizing their genuine names, and attempts to deceive individuals by soliciting money or gift cards through email or text messages under the guise of an "emergency."
Typically, these requests originate from local or outside-of-the-area phone numbers or suspicious email addresses that can be easily created. Unfortunately, this deceitful scheme has affected numerous parishes in our Archdiocese and beyond.
To safeguard yourself, it is crucial to exercise caution and remain vigilant against scammers. It is imperative not to fall victim to their deceitful tactics.
Remember, no one associated with Incarnation St. Terrence Parish will ever ask for monetary contributions or gift cards via text or email for any reason whatsoever. We strongly encourage you to contact the parish directly if you have any doubts or concerns.
We have promptly reported this scam to the appropriate authorities.
YouTube Broadcast
Facebook Broadcast
We livestream all Masses from Incarnation Parish Church.
An Act of Spiritual Communion
(Permission to podcast & stream the music in our services obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-721856. All rights reserved).
Answering the call for the New Evangelization, all leaders and members of all ministries from Formation/Education, Spiritual Life, Parish Life and Human Concerns Commissions participated in the spiritual and evangelical renewal program “Alpha” that was adopted to the needs of Incarnation Parish and given our own name of “Journey to the Heart of the Faith.” This faith formation in our Parish is ongoing. We continue by offering programs to all parishioners throughout the year. Please watch the video below:
In the specially built reliquary in our Church, we have the following first-class relics registered and certified by the Vatican:
- True Cross of our Lord Jesus
- St. Faustyna Kowalska
- St. John of the Cross
- St. Simon Stock
- St. Germaine
- St. Maria Goretti
- St. Brother Albert Chmielowski
- St. Vincent de Paul
- Bl. Francis Xavier Seelos
- Bl. Sister Bernardyna Jablonska
- St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (Second Class Relic)
May God continue to bless our Incarnation Family, and may the Saints intercede for us.
May St. Michael the Archangel and all Saints intercede for our parish, for our Archdiocese, and the whole Church. May their example inspire us to imitate Jesus in our own life!